88 recipes


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chickpeas flour pie




Chickpea flour

180 grams


600 mL

Extra virgin olive oil

2 spoons

Iodized salt

1 pinch

Black pepper

10 grams

single courses from Italy

chickpeas flour pie

chickpeas flour pie

vegan high in fiber

ready in

25 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

chickpeas flour pie

Cecina is an original dish of Liguria and Tuscany. Cecina in these regions is a Must, in fact there is no local that does not prepare it. It is found with a variety of names (made by Ceci, Fainè, Fainà ...) and is often used in place of bread, as a starter, as a focaccia and many times even at breakfast. Cecina is easy and fast to prepare, the main ingredient is Flour of Ceci.

chickpeas flour pie step 1

step 1

Pour chickpea flour into a bowl. Add water and mix it with a fork.

chickpeas flour pie step 2

step 2

Add oil and pinch of salt and continue stirring.

placeholder step

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chickpeas flour pie step 3

step 3

Lay two baking pans, pour the cecina and bake at 220 degrees for about 20 minutes.

chickpeas flour pie step 4

step 4

When it is cooked, sprinkle with black pepper.

chickpeas flour pie step 5

step 5

On my Youtube Channel you will also find the VideoRicetta. I wait for you :)

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