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Lobster chickpeas caserecce with Zucchini




Chickpea flour pasta

70 oz


1 portion


1 unit


1 unit


1 teaspoon

Grated lemon peel

1 handful

Extra virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon

first courses from Italy

Lobster chickpeas caserecce with Zucchini

Lobster chickpeas caserecce with Zucchini

with fish high in fiber source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Lobster chickpeas caserecce with Zucchini

You can view the post dedicated to the recipe on my Instagram account: incucinasalutatmente. You will find many recipes created with the utmost attention in the choice of ingredients and cooking methods, all in support of our health.

Lobster chickpeas caserecce with Zucchini step 1

step 1

1. First take care of the lobsters. They will be washed and boiled: once the water has boiled add the salt and whole lobster, put the lid on and lower the heat to a minimum.

Lobster chickpeas caserecce with Zucchini step 2

step 2

After 10-15 minutes, the crustaceans will have assumed the typical orange color, adjust with the times according to the size of the lobster. At this point close the fire, remove the lid and let everything cool.

Lobster chickpeas caserecce with Zucchini step 3

step 3

Once it has cooled, all the pulp will have to be removed. Keep the comic created by cooking the lobster.

Lobster chickpeas caserecce with Zucchini step 4

step 4

In a pan heat the cartoon and add the courgettes, shallots, capers and the smells you like.

Lobster chickpeas caserecce with Zucchini step 5

step 5

Once it has boiled, add the chickpea caserecce to the pan in which the vegetables are cooked.

Lobster chickpeas caserecce with Zucchini step 6

step 6

After 4/5 minutes, remove the liquid and add the lobster pulp

Lobster chickpeas caserecce with Zucchini step 7

step 7

Once flat, garnish with lemon zest, fresh parsley and EVO oil

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