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Quinoa meatballs and courgettes





200 oz


500 oz


2 unit

Parmesan aged 30 months

50 oz


150 oz


1 wedge

Type 00 wheat flour

50 oz

Sunflower oil, for frying

500 fl oz

Extra virgin olive oil

2 spoons


to taste

second courses from Italy

Quinoa meatballs and courgettes

Quinoa meatballs and courgettes

vegetarian with gluten with eggs high in iron source of C vitamins high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

45 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Quinoa meatballs and courgettes

Quinoa meatballs and light and easy to make zucchini.

Quinoa meatballs and courgettes step 1

step 1

Cook the quinoa in double water of its volume until it is completely absorbed. Pour the quinoa into a large boule (trigger / salad bowl) and allow to cool.

Quinoa meatballs and courgettes step 2

step 2

Grate the courgettes with a grater with large holes and cook them, with a drizzle of olive oil, salt and garlic and possibly a trickle of water, in a non-stick pan for 5/10 minutes, so that they wither.

Quinoa meatballs and courgettes step 3

step 3

Dry a little more than half of the zucchini and allow to cool. The remaining zucchini are blended with an immersion mixer. Put the pureed zucchini and the garlic in a pan (we recycle the first one) and let the mixture shrink.

Quinoa meatballs and courgettes step 4

step 4

Combine the mixed zucchini, the grated ones and the quinoa in the boule and season with salt. Add eggs, bread crumbs, flour and Parmesan and mix everything with your hands until you get a mixture to make meatballs.

Quinoa meatballs and courgettes step 5

step 5

Wet your hands in order to handle the dough better and pass the meatballs in the breadcrumbs and then throw them into the oil of sunflower seeds (or better peanuts) hot to fry them.

Quinoa meatballs and courgettes step 6

step 6

Meatballs are ready when they are golden on both sides. Take them out and dry them with kitchen paper. Serve with a fondue to taste.

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