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Sweet and sour onions





500 oz


50 oz


2 spoons

White sugar

1 spoon

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

Iodized salt

to taste

Side Dishes from Italy

Sweet and sour onions

Sweet and sour onions


ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Sweet and sour onions

are good hot or cold can enjoy this recipe even those who are vegetarian or vegan or those who follow a light diet can serve either as a starter or as contour varying quantities.

Sweet and sour onions step 1

step 1

Peel the onions and then wash, poniamole in a pan with a tablespoon of oil and cook for a few minutes.

Sweet and sour onions step 2

step 2

Meanwhile in a small bowl, we pour the vinegar to roses, water, sugar and mix well.

placeholder step

sponsor of the author

Sweet and sour onions step 3

step 3

Pour the vinegar into the pan with the onions and add two generous pinches of salt. Let cook the onions over low heat for 40 minutes, with the lid, turning them occasionally.

Sweet and sour onions step 4

step 4

After the interval, we find out the pan and let brown the onions for about 5/6 minutes. They should be soft but will not break.

Sweet and sour onions step 5

step 5

At this point we can serve hot or cold, as an appetizer or as a side dish. I assure you in any way you present them at the table, it will really be a success.

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