35 recipes


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Light cake of carrots and almonds with vanilla scent





15 grams

Vanilla flavour

1/3 unit

Dry yeast for dessert

3 grams

Egg, egg white

70 grams

Rice flour

30 grams


90 grams

Desserts from Italy

Light cake of carrots and almonds with vanilla scent

Light cake of carrots and almonds with vanilla scent

vegetarian with eggs with nuts

ready in

50 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Light cake of carrots and almonds with vanilla scent

A delicate and healthy cake to delight your palates

Light cake of carrots and almonds with vanilla scent step 1

step 1

Boil the carrots cut into cubes for ten minutes and, with the mixer, make a homogeneous carrot cream

Light cake of carrots and almonds with vanilla scent step 2

step 2

Add freshly obtained cream to flour, almonds, vanilla flavor and yeast

Light cake of carrots and almonds with vanilla scent step 3

step 3

Lay the snowballs and slowly incorporate the freshly prepared mixture into the snow

Light cake of carrots and almonds with vanilla scent step 4

step 4

Bake in a static oven in a 12 cm diameter text at 180 degrees for thirty minutes. Your cake is ready!

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